Top ten superfoods for 2023 revealed

Seaweed, bone marrow and liver are among the superfoods predicted to help Brits start their health kick in 2023.
Online healthy food retailer MuscleFood has identified ten superfoods set to be a hit in the next year, ranging from mackerel to dates to liver.
Some of the foods on the list are popular Asian cuisines and are known for various health benefits including protecting against cell damage and improving gut health.
The list also includes one of the least expensive meats – pork. A pack of loin medallions can be frozen and made into cheap meals throughout the week.
These foods are expected to create a stir in the new year, as they’re not only recommended for their flavours but also because they contain nutritional benefits which can help to improve the immune system.
Ashleigh Tosh, spokesperson from MuscleFood said: “When superfoods are mentioned, the first thoughts typically don’t go to unpopular dishes like liver and bone marrow, but they have tremendous health benefits which should be added to everyone’s weekly meals!
“A lot of the foods are cultural classics across Asia including seaweed and kimchi. These are becoming more popular in the UK.
“We’ve identified ten superfoods which are going to be a hit in 2023, with the list including a mixture of veggie, vegan and meaty options full of nutritional vitamins and ingredients.”
Here are the superfoods predicted to surge in 2023 by MuscleFood:
While there’s quite a strong dislike for liver among many due to its distinctive smell, it’s proven to be a great source of iron which provides protein for red blood cells and improves oxygen flow. Commonly liver is served with mashed potato and roasted carrots in a hearty meal.
This forgotten superfood is rich in antioxidants including vitamins C and D which help to protect against cell damage. Seaweed is also a strong source of iodine which supports the thyroid gland.
Bone Marrow
While bone marrow is not as widely consumed as others on the list, it has various health benefits to help relieve joint pain and reduce tiredness. It contains a high amount of collagen, which is great for bone density and is a useful tool in promoting skin health.
It’s one of the cheaper meats to buy with a pack of pork loin medallions in the region of £3 to £5. These can be frozen and used for healthy meals throughout the week. The meat contains protein, iron, and vitamins B12 and B6. The B12 from pork helps to form red blood cells and keep them healthy.
The popular Korean dish is a great way to improve your gut health. Often served in a jar, the dish typically includes fermented radish, cucumber or lettuce. It contains probiotic bacteria, which is good for keeping your stomach healthy and a great source of vitamins A and C.
Don’t just cut sugar completely out of your diet, simply switch up to a healthier alternative such as dates to maintain energy levels. While they shouldn’t be consumed often due to their high-fat content, dates are low in carbohydrates and are great for improving gut health and indigestion.
Its appearance resembles a puffed-up lemon but has completely different benefits. The antioxidants help to prevent cell damage and fight against serious conditions such as heart disease. The fruit also contains calcium which is beneficial for bones and regulates healthy heart rhythms.
The fish is rich in omega 3 which can make hair healthier and can be important for brain health and development which can be used in a child’s diet. To get the top health benefits, stick to boiled or baked mackerel instead of fried.
Yaupon Tea
This is a herbal tea made out of the yaupon plant itself and is praised for its anti-inflammatory effects. The tea contains theobromine which is a milder form of caffeine, which has less than coffee and energy drinks.
Chicken Fat
Healthy, unsaturated fats in chicken are helpful to add to the diet of those with high cholesterol levels. It also contains high amounts of Omega-6 (linoleic acid) to help keep the heart healthy. But having too many high-fat foods can be detrimental to health, so they should only be consumed once in a while.