A secret code for tired parents to get FREE coffee this half term

A secret code for tired parents to get FREE coffee this half term

Half term is brewing which means one thing: very tired parents.

Yolk – the premium sandwich and coffee chain with 9 stores across Central London – is here to help and is offering tired parents a FREE coffee upon purchasing anything in store with the top secret code: HELPME.

Whilst half term is a lovely opportunity to spend precious time with the kids, it often means a LOT of running around, cramming in work around their half term clubs and trips to London to entertain them for the day. Yolkwants to make it that bit easier for parents, and keep them caffeinated to get them through the day.

Whether parents want to purchase a brownie for their kid (or themselves, no judgement here), a next-level sandwich made with freshly baked ciabatta bread, or even just want to get two coffees for the price of one, Yolk will be giving out a free coffee with any purchase made in store using the secret code at the till.

The free coffee for parents follows the announcement of Yolk’s NEW coffee subscription service, and this one actually serves good coffee unlike those that have gone before (sorry Pret).

Committed to using only the best ingredients – think Caravan coffee beans, Estate Dairy milk from Somerset and ceremonial grade matcha powder – Yolk takes its coffee game seriously.

Tiered into three levels – BasicBrew, ClassicBrew and PremierBrew – there is a BrewClub for everyone and, with the membership sitting neatly on a mobile wallet pass, it’s kind on storage and zero fuss.

BasicBrew – membership is free. Basic members receive a free coffee on signup – and collect loyalty points so they get every tenth barista made drink for free, plus earning points on everything else bought in store that can be swapped for treats.
ClassicBrew – membership priced at £10 per month (and just £1 for the first month). Classic members get 50% off all barista-made drinks – plus double loyalty points on orders post-2pm.
PremierBrew – membership priced at £40 per month (with the first month half price). Premier members get three barista-made drinks per day – plus double loyalty points to swap for treats, all day every day.

Head to Yolk this half term to fuel up on caffeine for free to get yourself through the week.

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