Your Chance to Lead the Way for Butterflies and Moths

Your Chance to Lead the Way for Butterflies and Moths

Leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation is calling on nature enthusiasts across the UK to design a brilliant banner which will have pride of place at the upcoming Restore Nature Now march.

The winning design will be printed and held aloft at the head of the wildlife charity’s party as they, along with thousands of others, march to Westminster in London on Saturday 22 June calling for urgent action to ensure nature’s recovery.

The competition, which runs from 3 May – 3 June, is open to anyone still in education and encourages budding creatives and campaigners to create a standout design which shows their support for butterflies and moths and the vital need to protect them.

Crayons, paints, computers – all mediums are welcome, and the winning banner will be chosen by Butterfly Conservation’s brand-new Youth Panel who will be looking out for fun, bold, emotive, and creative designs.

As well as taking pride of place at the head of the Butterfly Conservation team at the march, the winner will also receive a Butterfly Conservation t-shirt to proudly show their support for wildlife.

Restore Nature Now will see organisations from across the conservation sector peacefully march through the streets of London to demand that the Government take urgent action to ensure nature’s recovery and hopes to be the largest public demonstration of support for nature and climate action that the UK has ever seen.

Julie Williams, Butterfly Conservation’s CEO said: “Our butterflies and moths are under threat. 80% of butterflies have declined since the 1970s. Moth numbers have fallen by at least 33% in that same time. We know what is needed to reverse these declines. It’s time to act.

“With sufficient resources we have shown that conservation action works at both local and national level. But current Government funding and policies are falling short, and our butterflies and moths can’t wait. We will be marching to make our voice and the voices of our supporters heard.”

To enter the competition, send a photograph or scan of your design in a landscape format to [email protected] along with your name, age and a contact email address or telephone number, by 8pm on Monday 3 June 2024.

Leicester TV