APSCo responds to Home Secretary’s announcement on new package of immigration measures

Responding to the Home Secretary’s announcement, Tania Bowers, Global Public Policy Director at the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) said:
“The Home Secretary’s calls for a high skilled, high productivity, high wage economy is exactly why APSCo has long campaigned for shorter term business visas to plug UK skills gaps. The skills shortage list produced by the Migration Advisory Committee is not fit for purpose. More accurate data is needed to better understand what technical skills Britain needs and in which regions and sectors they should be deployed.
“From a clinical healthcare perspective, it is fair to say that health and social visa numbers are too high but making dramatic changes to the current rules will negatively impact service delivery.
“APSCo would like to see a collaborative approach between government departments, such as the Department for Business and Trade, with the Home Office to ensure that any immigration policies enhance domestic labour market participation, leading to increased productivity and overall economic growth.”