The biggest culprits for regifting REVEALED, but how often do they get caught?

As the Christmas period approaches a new survey has unveiled that 40% of us are likely to pass on unwanted gifts to someone else. Yes, we are a nation of regifters, and among the biggest culprits are women.
According to the study, around half of women in the UK are regifters, compared to less than 30% of men. However, they are also far less likely to get caught as well, with less than 7% doing so, compared to one in seven men.
That could largely be down to the fact that almost one in three females wait at least seven months before regifting a present, while a quarter of males wouldn’t wait at all!
In total, one in 10 regifters get caught in the act, but it’s the younger generation that are much more likely, with one in five being rumbled under the age of 35, while less than 5% of over-55s are ever caught in the act.
That could perhaps be down to attitude, with 54% of those over the age of 55 unbothered by regifting, while guilt is the most common sentiment among those aged 16 to 24, as well as over one in five feeling that emotion aged between 25 and 34.
Charlotte Blaquiere, Search Marketing Manager at The Works said, “There’s no shame in regifting presents today. While many people do feel guilty, we should be pleased by the one in five aged between 25 and 54 that see it more as an eco-friendly exercise.
“When it comes to books especially, the fourth most likely present to be regifted, there’s nothing better than passing on a great read for somebody else to enjoy too.”
Health and beauty products are the most likely products to be regifted, with one in seven regifted presents falling into that category, with alcohol following shortly behind. Clothing, puzzles and games, and books complete the top five most regifted items.
Interestingly, items that are unwanted are most likely to come from friends, while they are also most likely to be passed on to friends too, although for those under the age of 24, especially male, parents haven’t quite got it right when it comes to presents for their children.
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