#Cozycardio is TikTok’s New Fitness Craze- experts reveal everything you need to know

#Cozycardio is becoming a new and upcoming trend on TikTok, with a total 7.5 million views and counting.
As many of us are persevering with workouts through the colder months, fitness experts at Lift Vault highlight a new way to lose weight from the comfort of your own home.
Below, the Lift Vault team have highlighted exactly what ‘Cozy Cardio’ is, the benefits, and how to implement it into your everyday routine.
What exactly is “Cozy Cardio”?
Recently, TikTok creators launched a movement to change the way people approach working out.
This relaxed yet efficient method of exercising is all about incorporating comfort, and peace into a workout.
Simply, Cozy Cardio is exercising from the comfort of your own home in a relaxing environment.
Several TikTok users have demonstrated their cosy cardio setup, creating a relaxing environment with mood lighting, candles, protein shake, and wearing comfy pyjamas, whilst walking on an Under Desk Treadmill in front of the television watching Netflix.