Nourish Care partners with Maldaba to improve personalised care delivery for people with learning disabilities

Leading digital social care records provider Nourish has partnered with Maldaba, whose Hear Me Now app enables people to capture and share information about themselves, to support the delivery and tracking of high-quality, complex, personalised care.
Hear Me Now allows those with learning disabilities to play a more active role in the planning and implementation of their care and well-being. The app has been live since 2016 (originally known as My Health Guide) and was designed with and for people with learning disabilities. It has since enabled groups such as those with autism, dementia and other cognitive challenges to have more control over their care.
People with learning disabilities die on average 20 years younger than the general population, and this technology aims to address inequalities in care in line with the LeDeR review and national agenda for service improvement for people with learning disabilities and autism.
Combining Hear Me Now and Nourish’s expertise in digital care planning will bring benefits to service users, their families and care providers alike, and improve outcomes across the board.
At Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, Hear Me Now allowed for a 30% reduction in service use, which created space for reducing waiting lists and pressure on other areas of the service. National care provider Hft were able to re-use 243 contact hours at a single service, within a one-year period, enabling greater independence in daily activities for people they support. There are other efficiency benefits for staff, as they are able to enter information alongside the person they are supporting in a more engaging way.
Lorenzo Gordon, Director, Maldaba Ltd comments: “Partnering with Nourish is an important step in joining-up data, so that it is entered only once, and flows to the right people at the right time. At Maldaba we see this as crucial to providing appropriate, correct and timely support to vulnerable people, and are delighted to be working with a provider such as Nourish, who shares this vision.”
Denise Tack, Director of Partnerships, Nourish Care adds: “,The Nourish Partnership Programme is designed around partnerships such as the one with Maldaba, with the impact on the end-user always being the core focus. Now is the time for care-sector technologies to work together in partnership, ending the reliance on pilots and siloed solutions. Digital transformation of our sector at scale can only truly happen if done collaboratively. We are proud to be partnering with such a like-minded organisation and look forward to seeing the positive benefits for our customers and individuals receiving support.”