The Chubby Church Leads Believers Battling the Bulge Into the Promised Land With Humorous Personal Stories, Well-Researched Insights and Practical Strategies

Jendayi Harris is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board-Certified Health Coach who knows what it’s like to be a Christian grappling with body image and eating issues. She blends her own deeply personal stories (peppered with humor), extensive research, practical strategies and biblical insights to deliver a holistic approach to healing mind, body and spirit in her two-book series, The Chubby Church.
Harris employs a loving, upbeat voice but doesn’t mince words.
“We know deep down we’re digging our graves faster with a knife and fork,” Harris writes in Book 1.
The Chubby Church: A Call to Break Free of Weight & Eating Bondage is the first book, which contains foundational information to help Jesus lovers gain freedom from their weight and eating concerns. In this first book, readers will learn:
How to habitize body stewardship to motivate healthy habits for life
Why we overeat in what Jendayi calls Grubbology
Why we’re super scared to drop our chubby suits in Chubbology
How to replace a Dieter’s Mindset with a Freedom Mindset to end on and off again dieting behaviors
The Emotional Fitness Workout to prevent emotional eating
Finally, a path for victory over one of the most prevalent, yet under-discussed areas of bondage within the church: Weight and Eating Bondage.
The Chubby Church Book 2: An Order to Win the 7 Battles of the Weight & Eating War for Good helps readers put the principles from Book 1 into action. Readers will learn:
How to Rebuke the Sugar Demon and her Cheesy cousins to end food addictions for life
How to perform a Gluttonectomy to eliminate the habit of overeating and binge eating
Food truth in God’s Life Abundantly Standard way to taste and see what the Lord called “good for food” to say goodbye to processed foods and unclean eating
Keys to Jump off the Body Shame Train and enjoy body confidence
Proper ways to fast for freedom instead of Fleshy Fasting
Tips to Resize Family Fat Genes so you can prevent generational obesity and more!
The Chubby Church series is an impactful resource for Christian men and women seeking to put their struggles with diet and weight to rest. Harris believes readers will enjoy these books because they are “humorous, faith-based and utilize the latest scientific research.”
About the Author
Jendayi Harris is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Senior Productivity Consultant, Board-Certified Health Coach and Board-Certified National Counselor. Harris has personally overcome many issues, including body shame, dieting and overeating. Harris shares her message with secular and Christ-centered communities alike, regularly speaking before Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and churches.
Harris believes the best thing we can do for families and society is to be healthy in body, soul and spirit. The Chubby Church books are her first two books. She is currently working on writing more books, including one with tips for mothering.
Connect with Harris on Instagram (@jendayiharris), Facebook (@JendayiH) and LinkedIn (@JendayiHarris). For more information about the author, visit her website at