Moses Nalocca launches new book – MORE

Moses Nalocca is an author, public speaker and a coach to high performers in sport and business. He has even coached Olympic Gold medallists.He has had a challenging journey through life and know what it is like to be broke. “In these challenging times, and with mortgages and utilities almost doubling in price, almost anybody can find themselves unexpectedly broke through no fault of their own. But is not being broke that is the problem, it is staying broke that is the problem.”
In his new book “MORE”, launched on the 10th of March, Moses shares the same philosophies that have changed the lives of his elite coaching clients.
MORE is for everybody who is sure there’s so much More in life but is also overwhelmed with doubt about whether they can have it.
Immerse yourself in the depths of his moving personal experiences and profound breakthroughs on the path of empowering transformation. Accompany Moses throughout his process of self-discovery and growth.
MORE is here to help you understand that you are not alone and to give you some guidance on how to deal with the uncertainty, dissatisfaction and the sense of inadequacy.
In this book Moses has opened up in a way he has never done before. He shares his stories in order to inspire you to be honest with yourself, accept your destiny with grace, and gain courage to go after what you truly want.
According to Moses, “When life changes in front of you, you cannot afford to get caught in the headlights and wait for things to improve. It is only by taking action that you will be able to regain your momentum and reinvent your future.” The same principles apply whether you are an Olympic athlete or where you are a business owner. It is never the problem that is really the problem, but what we think about it, then what we do about it. No matter how bad things may seem, if we reframe them and look at them in a different way, then problems become opportunities.
“Life is not a rehearsal. We only get one chance to get it right. But in the same what that doctors cannot heal themselves, so often it takes someone else to see what we cannot see. I believe that everyone needs a coach. When I was getting started, I couldn’t afford the coach I needed but I could afford just one hour a week. That was enough to turn around my life and set me off in the right direction.
He said: “The whole theme of my life has been to never settle for mediocrity and to always strive for more and that is shown in this book. I was born two months early, tiny and fighting for life – no one thought I would ever amount to anything, but I’ve always defied people’s expectations.
“It would have been easy to fall into the trap of being a victim but my mother always taught me to aim high and not settle for being like everyone else. This mindset is how I help those working at the highest levels – the upper echelons – make an impact which goes far beyond themselves and inspires and changes the world.”Moses was awarded the accolade of Coach of the Year by the Professional Speakers Academy. His entrepreneurial spirit led Moses to open his first business when he was only 23 years old. Since then, Moses has mastered the skill of High-Performance Coaching and has been helping his clients to level up in life and businesses by removing self-sabotaging beliefs and helping them solve burning problems.
In 2019 he went to Bulgaria to represent and develop the market for Tony Robbins and Success Resources. Back in the day, Moses broke all sales records for Success Resources as a Business Mastery leading consultant using High-Performance Coaching Skills. Now, Moses is on a mission to train 1000 new coaches and trainers by 2025 through his Upper Echelon Coaching Academy.
He has worked closely with some of the most admired people in business and self-actualization, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Tony Robbins, to name a few.
He has trained the leaders of Philip Morris International, TechoArena, Transpress, iBrokers, FitLine, Orif ame, Entegra, BulMed Consulting, Happy Bar and Grill, and UXP, as well as the Gold Olympic Medalist in Karate 2020 – Ivet Goranova and many more.