Blueprint for Change Agents Opens New Possibilities for Workplace Success

“Transformational leadership” by definition means embarking on uncharted territory. It’s about curiosity, courage — and sometimes doing the impossible. In her new book, Cultivating Transformations: A Leader’s Guide to Connecting the Soulful and the Practical, consultant and keynote speaker Jardena London extends a hand to those tasked with leading a company’s transformational efforts — or those who simply feel drawn to creating transformational change.
“Transformational Leadership is a soulful practice, a practical job, and everything in between,” London writes in the book’s introduction. “You are breathing new life into an organization, and that energy comes from the spirit of the people. Transformations are usually designed to improve business results, but what’s the point if it doesn’t make our lives better?”
London’s book offers readers the tools they need to get oriented, identify patterns and work through challenges without feeling lost and overwhelmed.
Cultivating Transformations is for anyone who:
– Is leading change, and that doesn’t have to mean supervising others
-Identifies with at least one of these terms: Change Agent, Disruptor, Truth Teller or Pioneer
– Feels stuck between trying to change the status quo and trying to work within the status quo
– Wishes they had a framework or community for support
This book will “expand [the reader’s] perspective, opening new possibilities for success,” London added. “They will have a blueprint for leading transformation.”
A 56-page companion workbook with insightful writing prompts — Cultivating Transformations: A Companion Journal for Leaders — is also available, and both the book and companion workbook are available in Spanish.
About the Author
Jardena London is a consultant (the good kind), author, speaker and CEO of Rosetta Agile. She has spent the last 30 years discovering ways to help souls flourish and keep financials thriving by transforming organizations to make work a better place. Her book, Cultivating Transformations: A Leader’s Guide to Connecting the Soulful and the Practical, is the culmination of all the years she has spent finding ways to help workers nourish their souls while maintaining thriving financials.
London began her career as a programmer who believed technology could solve people’s problems, soon realizing this wasn’t true. At age 27, she was CEO and co-founder of her first successful business. She eventually worked in project management and Organizational Agility Transformations. Her experiences in technology, entrepreneurship and management have formed the lens through which she views the challenges that organizations and workers face. London lives in New Jersey and loves making her three teenagers laugh just as they take a sip of water.