AI Bot Shares Love Advice as New Study Reveals Brits’ Dating Regrets

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, an AI Bot* has provided its advice on dating to help limit the number of dating regrets amongst British singletons.
This follows the findings in a new study commissioned by Myrkl, a food supplement, revealing that 40% of Brits confess to drinking too much on a date, with a staggering 81% saying this has led to something they regret.
The research further revealed the nations dating regrets after consuming too much alcohol, with embarrassing yourself (30%), oversharing personal details (20%) and being clumsy (19%) coming out on top.
When Myrkl asked the AI Bot for advice on having a more successful date for UK daters, it said: “Brits are known for their easy-going, fun-loving attitudes and their appreciation for a good pint at the pub. However, the statistics show that excessive drinking on a date can lead to embarrassing moments and regrets.”
It further revealed its top 10 tips for a successful date, and this is what is said:
Moderation is key when it comes to alcohol on a date. Enjoy a drink or two but be mindful of how much you’re consuming and how it may impact your behaviour.
Pay attention to body language: On Love Island contestants often win over their love interests through confident body language and eye contact.
Be yourself: Celebrity couples like David and Victoria Beckham have cited being true to themselves as a key factor in their successful relationship.
Put your phone away. Spending the entire night scrolling or checking your phone is a major turn off for many people.
Listen actively. Ask questions and show genuine interest in getting to know your date.
Respect personal boundaries. Don’t overshare personal details or be too honest on a first date.
Make a good first impression: From well-groomed appearance to being on time, first impressions are important.
Plan fun and unique dates. Avoid the clichéd dinner-and-a-movie date and opt for something more creative and memorable.
Communication is key: Many celebrity breakups, such as Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston, can be attributed to poor communication. Make sure to communicate openly and honestly with your date.
Don’t get too drunk. Excessive drinking on a date can be a major turn off and lead to embarrassing moments.
To summarise, the AI Bot added: “Compared to the rest of the world, Brits are known for their relaxed and casual approach to dating. However, it’s important to remember that excessive drinking and poor behaviour can be a major turn off for a potential partner. By following these tips, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable dating experience.”
This dating advice further supports the findings of the Myrkl research, as when asked what Brits biggest turn off is on a first date, more than half (51%) said it would be their prospective partner using or spending most of the night on their phone.
In addition, 38% said getting too drunk or embarrassing themselves was a big dating faux pas, while more than 1 in 3 say their date not asking them questions and only talking about themself would be a big turn off.
The research also identified the dating regrets amongst millennials after drinking too much, as 17% of those aged 25 – 34 years old regret behaving too keenly or enthusiastically towards their date, while 19% of those aged 35 – 44 regret moving too fast – whether that be kissing or having sex with their prospective love interest.
Interestingly, it appears Gen Z are most likely to be sick after drinking too much alcohol on a date, as 24% of 16 – 24 year olds say they regret this.
Amongst men and women, it seems men are more guilty of forgetting how their date went the following day, as 14% confess to this compared to only 11% of women.
However, the research further revealed that women appear to be the clumsier ones, from falling over, tripping up, or knocking over a drink, as 21% say they regret being clumsy after drinking too much, compared to only 17% of men.
Looking at the booziest cities across the UK, Belfast came out on top as 67% confess to drinking too much on a date, followed by Edinburgh residents (63%).
at, said: “It’s clear from the research that drinking too much on a date can have a big effect on the regrets Brits have the following day. Our AI Love Bot offers some great advice to help singletons keep a clear head and enjoy their date this Valentine’s Day.
“Not only is it important to monitor the amount of alcohol you drink on a date and avoid excess drinking, but you also need to make sure to show an active interest in your date, asking lots of questions and limiting the use of your phone to show you are engaged in the conversation.”
Myrkl contains AB001™, the first formula in human history to show promising results of breaking down alcohol effectively in the gut before it reaches the liver. For maximum effectiveness, two Myrkl pills should be taken at least 2 hours before drinking and will remain effective for up to 12 hours after.