What is the golden ratio and how can I make myself more photogenic?

From high cheekbones and a squared jaw, the features which make a person photogenic have been revealed.
Photography experts at ParrotPrint.com have put together the stand out features that make some people more photogenic than others.
Being photogenic refers to people who naturally photograph well with celebrities including Beyoncé and Bella Hadid well known for this.
But what is it that makes them so desirable to the camera?
Matt Dahan, founder of ParrotPrint revealed that it’s all to do with their facial and bone structure.
Harsher features like high cheekbones and a squared off jaw work better with the natural light. Those with these desirable features will find that the light tends to hit their face better than someone with a rounder facial structure, making them more photogenic.
Arched eyebrows are another feature that determine whether someone is photogenic or not as they instantly lift and elongate the face for a more desirable look.
It’s not just these stand out features that photograph well, it also comes down to something known as the Golden Ratio.
The Golden Ratio was discovered in the European Renaissance and was originally used in architecture but over time was applied to maths and art and now it can also be used to determine what an attractive facial structure looks like.
It looks at the distance betweens certain areas of the face and divides them by one another – overall, the perfect face is said to be 1 and a half times longer than it is wide.
However the ParrotPrint experts highlight that people can be considered attractive and beautiful without necessarily being considered photogenic.
Matt Dahan from ParrotPrint said: “Being photogenic means that you naturally photograph well, so whilst you’re likely to be attractive if you’re photogenic, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unattractive if you’re not photogenic.
“Certain facial structures and features work better with the light and will therefore naturally photograph better like higher and more defined cheekbones. That’s why certain celebrities like Beyoncé and Bella Hadid are considered to be really photogenic.
“Not only do they have all of the important features for this, but their faces have been applied to the Golden Ratio rule. This was actually used in the renaissance for architecture and over time it’s been applied to beauty, art, design and so many other things.”
How to make yourself more photogenic:
Know your angles
We now know that the light tends to hit people better if they have a more defined face structure. Find out what angles work best for you and your face by practising in the mirror.
Smile through your eyes
If you’re a fan of America’s Next Top Model you’ll have heard Tyra Banks talking about smiling with her eyes or ‘smize’. Squinting your eyes ever so slightly creates this ‘smize’ and can portray a much softer look.
Stay relaxed
The camera picks up everything so if you’re feeling pretty tense, it’s likely to be exposed through stiff shoulders and posture. Try to relax and let your shoulders drop for a much more natural looking photo.
Put your tongue behind your teeth when you smile
If you’re after more of a natural look, placing your tongue behind your teeth as you smile can help prevent having too wide of a grin.
Don’t pose
Although it sounds silly, try not to gravitate towards any typical poses in your photos. Try asking someone to make you laugh, or ask them to snap away while you’re doing something to get some natural candid shots.