Auchindrain returns to “normal” after Countryfile spotlight

Following the excitement of being centrepiece for a special Hogmanay and Christmas edition of BBC’s Countryfile, life has returned to normal at the Auchindrain Historic Township in Argyll, with this unique heritage venue reverting to its normal winter opening hours.
Until the end of March 2023, Auchindrain will be open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. The Visitor Centre is closed, but online bookings can be made at special, reduced winter rates.
Sited on the A83 between Inveraray and Lochgilphead close to the village of Furnace, Auchindrain was recently heavily profiled in an episode of the BBC’s flagship rural affairs programme “Countryfile”. The broadcast looked at some of the traditional ways Christmas, Hogmanay and Burns Night have been and still are celebrated, through the eyes of the people of a Scottish rural community. The programme is available to view on BBC iplayer until the end of November 2023.
Auchindrain Director Bob Clark, interviewed at length during the broadcast by presenter Margherita Taylor, commented: “It was fantastic to welcome the Countryfile team to our unique piece of the old Highlands, and to help the BBC to highlight some of Scotland’s special winter traditions.
“As we begin another year for Auchindrain, we are looking forward to welcoming as many folks as possible over the coming months, to explore what Scottish rural and farming life was really like in times gone by.
“Whilst our winter opening times are in operation, online booking is essential so that we can ensure a safe and secure visitor experience at the site,” added Bob.
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