BLOK: How sound therapy can help heal and destress

David Tran a trainer at BLOK who specialises in Sound Therapy, shares expert insight as to why sound is a great tool for healing, shifting low energy levels and bringing yourself back to balance.
Commenting on the power of sound, David says: “In our day-to-day lives, the mind is constantly thinking. Meditation is the perfect remedy to quiet down the mind, in order to bring balance and de-stress. Many people might find meditation difficult, or even boring – but this is where sound can come in to make meditation more accessible, as the sound can help guide the mind towards meditation.
David continues: “Sound waves from gongs, singing bowls and other instruments entrain your brain, taking your mind to a meditative state. Think of it like a massage for your mind.”
David has collated together three top tips for beginners wanting to get into sound therapy:
No need to think about mediation, quieting your mind, or anything like that at all. In fact, thinking about anything defeats the purpose. All you need to do is close your eyes, preferably whilst lying down and listen, or even do nothing. Let the sound do the work
Wear comfortable and warm clothing—socks and cosy jumper—because your body temperature tends to drop as you might feel cold from the vibrations
Lastly, just relax!
Sound can have a powerful effect on our bodies and emotions, stimulating the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies associated with clear and peaceful states of mind. At BLOK you can enjoy a 60 minute long class (BLOKsound) that encourages relaxation and recovery, thanks to the power of sound. The class soothes the mind and heals the body, with sound instruments including gongs and Tibetan bowls.
Give your mind a massage and try a BLOKsound class at BLOK in Shoreditch, Clapton and Manchester, visit to book a class.