What does influencer culture look like in 2022?

What does influencer culture look like in 2022?

Some of our most well-known celebrities to date have made significant fortunes from a hashtag deluge of life updates and sponsored ads, with British influencers being among the best-paid in the world, pocketing £117.48 an hour – £137,000 a year if they worked full-time according to Adobe. Yet following a global pandemic and the spiraling cost-of-living crisis, Brits are feeling less inclined than ever to scroll through influencer content, with what was once a form of escapism now becoming completely out of touch for many. Now, with new data from Room Unlocked – a platform overhauling influencer marketing for the world’s biggest brands – unveiling that 60% of Brits now find the cash-rich lifestyles of influencers infuriating, with almost a quarter of people (44%) saying that these types of posts have a negative effect on their mental health.

Clearly, there is a greater need than ever for authenticity in the space, with social media users valuing un-filtered posts and real conversation over ‘Insta-perfect’ and unrelatable lifestyles. Further highlighting this, the landmark research by Room Unlocked revealed 61% of Brits say they cannot relate to or identify with any influencers because of how disingenuous they are, with a further 37% saying they identify more with influencers who post with a social cause at the heart of their content – highlighting the need for content creators to use their platforms not just for financial gain, but to make a positive difference in society. Influencers that choose to take this direction will not only be contributing to a worthy cause but will also benefit from the sense of authenticity that this breeds in order to survive and thrive in the current climate.

CEO and founder of Room Unlocked, Alex Payne, argues that by eliminating currency out of the equation, and instead focusing on ‘value exchange’, the relationship between brands and their ambassadors is only driven by advocacy and passion. With Room Unlocked’s value exchange approach, influencers seek out the products/services they genuinely want to promote, solely in exchange for receiving them – not for money.

Alex Payne CEO and co-founder of Room Unlocked, comments:

“Influencers are earning less because brands are being more cautious with their spend, ensuring they connect with the right creators who align with their values and also those of their customers. Influencers who are going to survive and thrive in the current climate are those that have a social cause or genuine passion at the heart of their voice and the content they create, rather than just posting things that they’ve been paid to advertise. Authenticity has quite rightly become king amidst an industry that has been awash with disingenuous content throughout the years and this is becoming increasingly easier to spot.

“Another crucial trend that’s causing influencers to report a reduction in earnings is the simple fact that there are far more of them now. There’s been a wave of people leaving their jobs to chase this career path meaning there’s more competition by way of choice and as such, brands can pay less. Room Unlocked passionately believes that relationships between brands and influencers can be built on love, not money and provide an alternative to traditional, paid routes for content creation. We provide a platform for people to connect and create mutually beneficial and lasting relationships regardless of the current climate.”

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