To mark Menopause Awareness Month, Shhh… Menopause Wellness is hosting a pop-up shop in Boots

To mark Menopause Awareness Month, Shhh… Menopause Wellness is hosting a pop-up shop in Boots

A new pop-up shop is due to open in Boots later this month – Menopause Awareness Month – to raise awareness of menopause and its health implications for women.

Shhh…Menopause Wellness – a range of natural skincare products designed to support and encourage women who are going through menopause, and help ease their physical and emotional health – is getting ready to open its pop-up in Boots, Reading, from October 10 -16 October inclusive and Boots, Bluewater from October 17-23 inclusive.

The doors will be open every day, and Marva Williams, founder of Shhh… Menopause Wellness, will be on hand to will offer women going through, or approaching, the menopause advice to help them understand what is going on in their body – and reassure them that they are not alone.

For the fact of the matter is that, despite menopause being a routine stage of life that t half of the planet goes through, it’s often still a taboo subject.

Marva Williams said: “Menopause affects all women with symptoms ranging from hot flushes and night sweats to mood swings, memory loss, and changes in libido that can leave a woman feeling fatigued, overwhelmed, and out of control.”

“All of which is why I’m on a mission to highlight how to reduce the symptoms and make the transition to menopause more comfortable.”

Leicester TV