The Top Five FREE Exercises We Should All Be Embracing

With one in five of us choosing to cancel gym memberships and as the search rises for ways to exercise without breaking the bank London-based PT Rachael Sacerdoti outlines her top five exercises that we should all be embracing. And best of all, they are all free!
Offering a plethora of free workouts on her own IG channel, Rachael provides invaluable insight for those who need a helping hand and anyone looking to make achievable and sustainable lifestyle changes. Here Rachael gives her top tips to get the most out of your workout without the need for an expensive gym membership.
Running is brilliant and I always recommend adding some sprints into your routine! You can do this anywhere as long as the ground is fairly levelled. Try out 30 secs sprints to 30 secs walking. Repeat 20 times. Sprints will allow you to push your body to a maximum level and increase your overall endurance. In addition, sprinting builds more muscle mass than distance running and is also better at fat burning.
HIIT (My preferred style of exercise, particularly for the time-poor) – Jump Squats are the best. I love this as it’s a mix of resistance and cardio, therefore building muscle and escalating your heart rate all at once. This is great for a quick and effective fat burn and can be done anywhere with no equipment. Do 20 in one go and repeat 3 times. You’ll be sure to get the pulse racing.
Yoga – I love the Upward-facing Dog pose as it Improves posture and strengthens your wrists, spine, and arms, along with firming the buttocks. It also offers an excellent stretch for the chest and spine and has been credited with helping aid digestion. An excellent energising pose that helps rejuvenate and rebalance the mind and body.
Pilates – Try out Donkey Kicks to Fire Hydrants. Two simple exercises that can be linked in with each other and executed anywhere, this combo is performed on all fours. For perfect form keep your head neutral and ensure your hands are in line with and under the shoulders, with knees under the hips. This will activate your glutes and give them a good workout leaving your bottom peachy, just in time for summer.
Bodyweight – Being at home and having no equipment doesn’t mean you can’t work on your Resistance Training, especially as resistance is important to fight the inevitable muscle loss that comes with age. The Plank is one of the simplest and most effective exercises you can do, benefitting your entire body. This will strengthen your core which is most important for posture and build a strong foundation that will help keep you injury-free. Do daily and hold for at least one minute to reap the rewards of this winning move.