Insurance expert reveals: How to save on car insurance

Nobody wants to pay more money for their car insurance, especially during a cost-of-living crisis. Yet many people across the UK are paying more than necessary.
Whilst you can’t control some factors that can increase your car insurance, such as your age or years of driving experience, there are some tips and tricks that can help you save hundreds of pounds a year.
With that being said, the experts at One Sure Insurance have provided five tips that can help you save money.
1. Get a black box fitted
Fitting a black box, or telematics box, into your engine will track your driving and potentially lower your insurance. If it shows that you drive safely, following the rules of the policy, then you pay less on your insurance.
This is particularly good news for new drivers because what you pay is based on how responsible you are behind the wheel, rather than how an insurer predicts you will drive.
2. Try and pay up straight
It can be tempting to split the cost of insurance over the year; however, many insurance companies can add up to 30% of your annual sum by taking a monthly premium.
If you are struggling to pay the total cost of your insurance in one go, you may save money using a 0% interest credit card and paying this off monthly instead. This way, you avoid extra costs from an insurance company.
3. Plan your insurance in advance
Many drivers try and buy their car insurance on the day that they need it, but this can affect the quote you are given.
Make sure you’re giving yourself at least two weeks before you need your insurance to begin. Insurance companies can charge hundreds of pounds in additional costs if they know that you are needing the insurance to begin on the same day you are looking for a quote.
Plan, and give yourself time, your bank account will thank you later.
4. Don’t set your mileage too low
Many people fall into the trap of setting their mileage too low, thinking that this will save them some money when it comes to insurance.
However, setting your mileage too low can mean that you are paying more for your insurance, especially if you’re a first-time driver. This is because insurance companies will class you as a high-risk driver. After all, you are not gaining experience on the road by driving frequently.
5. Clear cache or use incognito mode when browsing
If you’re shopping around looking for a quote, make sure to clear your cache or switch to incognito mode for your browser.
Files get saved on your browser when you’ve been looking for a quote online, and as a result, insurance companies can identify when someone has been searching for a quote for some time.
Clearing the cache or using incognito mode means that when you do decide to buy insurance, you won’t be charged extra fees.
6. Compare quotes with brokers, not just insurance companies
Using a broker is another way you can save on your car insurance. A car insurance broker is a person or a company who will help you research car insurance deals on your behalf.
You tell them your personal details and requirements, and they will come back with a list of options that can meet your needs.
Use Google to search for a reputable broker who will be able to help find the smaller insurers who don’t feature on price comparison websites but who can offer cheaper deals