Top 3 Signs Your Long-Distance Relationship Will Survive, According To Relationship Expert

Top 3 Signs Your Long-Distance Relationship Will Survive, According To Relationship Expert

Moving to a new country is an exciting time for many, but for those leaving loved ones in their home country, a cross-country move can also present a unique set of hurdles, demanding commitment, communication and creativity to keep the flame alive.

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, Remitly, a leading digital financial services provider for immigrants and their families, has spoken with licensed marriage therapist Lauren Consul to find out the most important things long-distance lovers should be doing in order to make the distance work and enjoy a fulfilling and healthy relationship.

Lauren, who works with couples every day to help them build secure and fulfilling relationships, and has over 165,000 followers on TikTok, has revealed the top three things all couples in long-distance relationships must prioritise in order to make the distance work:

1. A shared vision, rooted in the “why”: Both partners need a clear understanding of the “why” behind the distance: whether this be career goals, family situations, or personal growth pursuits. This “why” fuels commitment and provides clarity during tough times. But vision isn’t static – discuss regularly where the relationship is headed, incorporating individual goals that support the shared dream. This dynamic vision becomes a powerful force, reminding you why you’re in it and where you’re going together.

2. Prioritise proactive communication: Communication transcends the daily check-ins – it’s about vulnerability and proactive expression. Share your day’s highs and lows, celebrate victories, and confide anxieties. Explore different communication channels – video calls, voice notes, even handwritten letters – to keep the spark alive. Don’t wait for issues to arise. Address concerns openly and proactively to prevent misunderstandings from festering. Remember, communication is a flowing river, not a stagnant pond. Keep it open, honest, and ever-evolving.

3. Balancing presence: Striking a healthy balance between your far-off lover and everyday life is key. Be fully present in your local life, pursuing hobbies, cultivating friendships, and embracing personal growth. Simultaneously, nurture the distant connection through quality time, shared experiences (virtual game nights, movie marathons), and expressing love and appreciation.

Other things Lauren recommends long-distance couples prioritise include getting creative with ways to keep in touch and embracing jealousy. Lauren explains:

“Active participation in each other’s lives, despite the physical distance, demands creativity and thoughtfulness. Explore inventive ways to stay involved and connected, be it through shared hobbies, virtual experiences, or surprise gestures. These efforts not only help maintain the emotional bond but also add depth and excitement to the relationship. Embracing creativity in engagement fosters a sense of closeness and shared experiences, making the distance more manageable.”

Embracing and understanding jealousy is also something that long-distance couples should familiarise themselves with, Lauren recommends: “Rather than avoiding jealousy, it’s essential to recognise it as a valid emotion with a purpose. Adopt a curious mindset when experiencing jealousy, exploring the underlying message. It may stem from past issues, external projections, unmet needs, or a lack of self-confidence. Examining the root cause allows for a better understanding and addressing of emotional triggers, fostering personal growth and ultimately contributing to a more secure and trusting long-distance relationship.”

Ollie Cassel, Head of Growth Marketing at Remitly commented: “Moving to a new country for a new job or simply just a better quality of life can bring lots of opportunities to meet new people and experience a new way of living. However, those already in a committed relationship will often face a whole new set of struggles dictated by different time zones, work schedules and costly plane tickets.

“However, thanks to technology today, it’s easier than ever to keep the flame alive – from regular video calls and texting to virtual movie nights. Whether separated by cities, countries or even oceans it’s clear that it’s definitely possible to achieve a fulfilling relationship, no matter how far apart.”

If you’re planning on moving countries and want advice on how to make the transition as smooth as possible please visit:

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