Unipart wins world-first safety, wellbeing and sustainability ‘treble’

Unipart wins world-first safety, wellbeing and sustainability ‘treble’
Unipart has become the first organisation ever to be recognised with a world-class safety, wellbeing and sustainability ‘treble’ by the British Safety Council.
In addition to winning an 11th consecutive Globe of Honour for sustainability and two more Swords of Honour for safety, Unipart became one of the first organisations to win the inaugural Shield of Honour for world-class workplace wellbeing.
Unipart achieved a five star wellbeing audit rating earlier this year, commended by British Safety Council auditors on wellbeing strategy, collaboration, education, inclusion and continuous improvement at its Cowley Distribution Centre.
The Unipart mental health first aider programme was introduced during the pandemic, and now boasts a network of more than 200 trained volunteers across the business signposting resources and support.
Unipart Logistics and Unipart Rail were both awarded Swords of Honour which are seen as the pinnacle of world-class health and safety.
The achievement takes Unipart’s tally to more than 65 Swords of Honour over the last decade, more than any other company in its sectors.
Having achieved a five star environmental sustainability audit rating in autumn, Unipart collected its 11th consecutive Globe of Honour.
Unipart’s net zero 2040 strategy was validated as a science based target earlier this year. Unipart had both its near-term and net zero targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative – the most ambitious level of validation available.
Andy Pyne, Unipart Chief Sustainability Officer, said: “Becoming the first organisation in the world to win the safety, sustainability and wellbeing ‘treble’ from the British Safety Council demonstrates Unipart’s absolute commitment to long-term sustainable growth with our employees, customers and suppliers. Our leadership, capability and culture continue to be held up as the world-class benchmark in supply chain partnership and performance improvement technology.
“The Unipart Way, our philosophy of continuous improvement through empowering everyone at every level of the organisation to make us leaders in sustainable business, is frequently cited by auditors as the key to our success. The criteria for achieving world-class safety and sustainability is continuously evolving and it’s testament to expertise and dedication of our people who are always pushing the boundaries of our management systems to meet the real and perceived needs of our customers better than anyone else and serve them better than anyone else.
“In a competitive marketplace, the Swords, Globe and Shield of Honour defines Unipart as a leading supply chain partner who takes a long-term view.”
Neil McNicholas, Unipart Rail Managing Director, said: “Winning a Sword of Honour for outstanding safety once again is fantastic recognition for everyone at Unipart Rail. We’ve worked hard to maintain an open and honest reporting culture, and we engage closely with suppliers to address safety issues right through the supply chain. As a result this is the first year we haven’t had a reportable accident injury keeping someone off work for seven days or more.”
About the awards
The 2023 awards mark the 44th consecutive year in which British Safety Council has awarded the Sword of Honour for health and safety management excellence and the eleventh year of awarding the Globe of Honour for excellence in environmental management. For the first time, the new Shield of Honour has also been awarded by British Safety Council for wellbeing excellence.
The winners achieved the maximum five stars in British Safety Council’s independent Five Star health and safety and/or environmental management and/or wellbeing audits in the period 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023 in the UK. They also demonstrated to an independent adjudication panel that they had a proven track record and culture of best practice for excellence in health and safety or environmental management that runs throughout the business, from the shop floor to the boardroom.
About British Safety Council
British Safety Council believes that no-one should be injured or made ill through their work.
Since its foundation in 1957, British Safety Council has campaigned tirelessly to protect workers from accidents, hazards and unsafe conditions, and played a decisive role in the political process that has led to the adoption of landmark safety legislation in the UK. Its members in more than 60 countries are committed to protecting and improving the wellbeing of workers, believing that a healthy and safe work environment is also good for business.
We are a registered charity (Charity No. 1097271 and OSCR No. SC037998). As part of its charitable work, British Safety Council leads health and safety networking forums for numerous sectors, facilitates and promotes best practice in the UK and overseas. It also offers a range of services and products, including training, qualifications, publications, audits and awards. British Safety Council works closely with organisations, charities and individuals who share its vision of ensuring that every worker goes home at the end of the day as healthy as they were when they went to work.
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