Storm Ciaran: Sooth your pets!

Storm Ciaran: Sooth your pets!

As weather warnings, thunder and rain continue to hit the UK, vets are sharing their top tips for soothing petrified pets during storms, including top preparation tactics, thunderstorm parties and ear wraps.

Storms and loud noises can be a trigger for anxious pets, with 42% of pet owners saying that their furry friend experiences anxiety.

According to veterinary surgeon and medical writer, Lily Richards (Bsc Hons BVSc MRCVS), animals may suffer from noise phobias during thunder and anxiety during lightning, but they can also feel the electrostatic pressure changes when a storm is looming – meaning their senses are perfectly attuned to ‘scary’ weather conditions.

To prepare fur parents for storm season, experts at TrustedHousesitters have teamed up with vet, Lily Richards, revealing five expert tips for keeping pets calm:

Throw a thunderstorm party
Often distractions are the best thing for nervous pets – so while a ‘party’ may seem unusual, it may be just what an anxious animal needs! Vet, Lily Richards, recommends:

“To offer a distraction to anxious pets, have a thunderstorm party. Close the curtains, put some music on, and play an epic round of tug or ball. It works perfectly with my Collie dog, who is barely aware of a storm occurring!”.

According to a TrustedHousesitters pet parenting study, background noise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety in pets, with 34% of pet owners using the TV and another 34% playing music to help comfort their pets. However, most owners say offering their pets their favourite toy is the most effective way to relieve pet anxiety – 43% of owners claim this tactic works perfectly for them.

2. Be prepared for storm seasons

When it comes to pet anxiety, preparation is key. Lily Richards says:

“Check the weather forecast to help you prepare if you have noise-phobic pets. Hold off walking dogs so you’re not caught out in a storm, especially with anxious pups who can bolt if startled. Keep cats inside, cover hutches or bring smaller animals like rabbits or guinea pigs inside in bad storms. You should also secure your home and garden to prevent your pets from escaping if they do get spooked.”

When a storm is imminent, Lily recommends:

“Prepare a safe, enclosed, dark space for pets to rest; include their favourite toys and blankets, and maybe even a puzzle feeder, for distraction. Always close your curtains or blinds to limit lightning flashes.”

3. Understand when to give your pet space

It can be tempting to cuddle your pets when they’re feeling frightened, but it’s important to meet their needs. Some pets want attention, while others may want to hide. Lily explains: “Give your pet space to be stressed. There’s nothing worse than being fussed over when you’re anxious; it just breeds more anxiety. If your pet wants to pace, let them pace. Your pet will find a way of easing their own anxiety given the space to.”

4. Consider natural remedies

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and stock up on thunder-masking essentials. What works may vary from pet to pet, so try a few different options to see what works for you. Lily suggests:

“Consider natural remedies such as rescue remedy, lavender oil, anxiety diffuser plug-ins or pet thundershirts/a tight-fitting t-shirt. Thundershirts act like blankets swaddling a baby, touching on pressure points to release endorphins and happy chemicals to help calm your pet.”

If you have a frightened pooch, it’s also important to remember that dog hearing is up to five times better than humans, which is why loud noises such as thunder can be so startling to them. Look into dog ear wraps, or snoods, which cover the dogs’ ears and help to muffle sounds.

5. Distract with food

If you’re struggling with a nervous pet, turn to one of the best pet distractions – food! A third of pet owners say giving their pet treats helps relieve anxiety. If your pet is showing signs of uneasiness during storms, try distracting them with treats, or by adjusting their meal schedule to eat during storms. CBD-infused treats are an excellent option for pets with severe anxiety, as they can help them remain calm and sleep during storms – with 18% of pet owners saying they find this remedy helpful.

Angela Laws, award-winning community manager of TrustedHousesitters and pet sitter with over 14 years of experience, commented:

“It can feel so heartbreaking to watch your pet experience distress and not know how to help them. With how much pets help us, it’s only fair for pet owners to learn how we can help them too. This is especially important if a storm is expected, and your pet may be without you. Share these tips with your pet sitter, prepare for storms with desensitisation techniques, and learn exactly what your pet needs to be the best owner you can be for them.”

Rugged Hank

Typically thought of as being an easy to clean area of the home, hard floors have risen in popularity in recent decades. Globally, hard floors are the most common floor type,2 and research released today by Dyson has uncovered poor cleaning habits that mean hard floors are likely to be harbouring an array of hidden nasties.     This comes as 32% of Brits – equating to 21.6 million people in the UK – will use the same dirty mop head for six months or more before replacing it. What’s more, one in 20 also admit to keeping the same mop for a year or longer, and one in 10 think it is acceptable to use the same mop 100 times, spreading dirt around their floors every time they use it.   Cross contamination is a primary issue for most common and traditional mopping methods with germs and bacteria further being unknowingly spread around homes as Brits use dirty water to clean floors.3 45% only change the water to new water between rooms, whereas 41% wait even longer until it looks dirty. This could mean that floors are being washed with dirty water, adding more dirt rather than taking it away. Surprisingly, almost one in 10 (9%) even admit to not changing the dirty water at all when mopping.   Over a quarter (28%) admit to mopping their floors once a fortnight or less while over half (53%) admit they don’t regularly clean behind appliances and leave dirt to build up for as long as six months at a time.   image002.jpg   On how to achieve a perfect barefoot clean feel after mopping, Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert offers their top tips for eliminating dirt around the home:   1.     Create a cleaning schedule to stay on top of dirt build-up. In the last year, there has been a 15% global reduction in the number of people who maintain regular cleaning schedules. 47% of the British public admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust.4 Regular floor cleaning with a wet hard floor cleaner like the Dyson WashG1™ removes more stubborn dirt than vacuuming alone.    It is important to have a debris free surface, clear any clutter from the floor or other surfaces.      Choose the right machine: Different vacuums are designed for different floor types and home sizes. Some machines will be engineered with hard floors in mind and will struggle on thick pile carpets, for example. Choosing the right machine for your home will make a big difference to the ease and speed with which you’re able to clean your home.      Clean your floors ‘little and often’. Washing your floors frequently in areas that receive more foot fall will help to stop dirt building up and getting trodden into your floor. Using a dedicated wet floor cleaner on hard flooring such as the Dyson WashG1 is helpful for this, as the versatile format means it vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously.   Cleaning schedules have also become less regimented. In recent years only 41% of people claim to have a regular cleaning schedule, and 60% admit to cleaning reactively; being motivated to clean only when there is visible dirt or dust5. It’s perhaps not surprising, that a fifth of people are still concerned their floors are dirty after they’ve mopped them (22%) and one in four6 feel extremely worried about indoor dust at home.  Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert reveals why it is important to change the way we mop: “Cleaning your hard floors properly and regularly is important for maintaining a healthy environment around your home. Without a proper cleaning routine, dirt may unknowingly build up and spread around your home. It is evident from our research that current mopping habits mean British households aren’t cleaning their floors as effectively as they should.   “From ignoring problem areas where dust and debris build up, cross contamination with dirty water to not replacing mop heads or inconsistent cleaning, current mopping behaviours may be making floors dirtier as opposed to cleaner. Moving away from traditional methods, wet floor cleaners like the Dyson WashG1 simplify the floor cleaning experience and provide a modern efficient and hygienic solution”  To help take the guesswork out of mopping, the brand new WashG1 is Dyson’s first dedicated wet floor cleaner that tackles wet and dry debris in one go. Engineered for hygienic cleaning and maintenance, the WashG1 is revolutionising wet floor cleaning, removing the need for multi-products and multi-steps to achieve a barefoot clean feel around the home.   To put the product to the test, Dyson have cleaned one of London’s most iconic landmarks The Victoria and Albert Museum. From cleaning the grand marble floors housing the most prestigious exhibits, to cleaning up leftover food in the Gamble Room Cafe, the WashG1 had a dirt busting tour of the museum leaving it spotless. Images can be found here.    The WashG1 introduces Dyson’s engineering expertise to cleaning hard floors. With a 1 litre clean-water tank to cover flooring up to 290m2, the Dyson WashG1 uses a combination of hydration, absorption, and extraction technologies to remove wet and dry spills and stains simultaneously.   The Dyson WashG1 is available to purchase now from, retailing at £599.99.

Typically thought of as being an easy to clean area of the home, hard floors have risen in popularity in recent decades. Globally, hard floors are the most common floor type,2 and research released today by Dyson has uncovered poor cleaning habits that mean hard floors are likely to be harbouring an array of hidden nasties. This comes as 32% of Brits – equating to 21.6 million people in the UK – will use the same dirty mop head for six months or more before replacing it. What’s more, one in 20 also admit to keeping the same mop for a year or longer, and one in 10 think it is acceptable to use the same mop 100 times, spreading dirt around their floors every time they use it. Cross contamination is a primary issue for most common and traditional mopping methods with germs and bacteria further being unknowingly spread around homes as Brits use dirty water to clean floors.3 45% only change the water to new water between rooms, whereas 41% wait even longer until it looks dirty. This could mean that floors are being washed with dirty water, adding more dirt rather than taking it away. Surprisingly, almost one in 10 (9%) even admit to not changing the dirty water at all when mopping. Over a quarter (28%) admit to mopping their floors once a fortnight or less while over half (53%) admit they don’t regularly clean behind appliances and leave dirt to build up for as long as six months at a time. image002.jpg On how to achieve a perfect barefoot clean feel after mopping, Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert offers their top tips for eliminating dirt around the home: 1. Create a cleaning schedule to stay on top of dirt build-up. In the last year, there has been a 15% global reduction in the number of people who maintain regular cleaning schedules. 47% of the British public admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust.4 Regular floor cleaning with a wet hard floor cleaner like the Dyson WashG1™ removes more stubborn dirt than vacuuming alone. It is important to have a debris free surface, clear any clutter from the floor or other surfaces. Choose the right machine: Different vacuums are designed for different floor types and home sizes. Some machines will be engineered with hard floors in mind and will struggle on thick pile carpets, for example. Choosing the right machine for your home will make a big difference to the ease and speed with which you’re able to clean your home. Clean your floors ‘little and often’. Washing your floors frequently in areas that receive more foot fall will help to stop dirt building up and getting trodden into your floor. Using a dedicated wet floor cleaner on hard flooring such as the Dyson WashG1 is helpful for this, as the versatile format means it vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously. Cleaning schedules have also become less regimented. In recent years only 41% of people claim to have a regular cleaning schedule, and 60% admit to cleaning reactively; being motivated to clean only when there is visible dirt or dust5. It’s perhaps not surprising, that a fifth of people are still concerned their floors are dirty after they’ve mopped them (22%) and one in four6 feel extremely worried about indoor dust at home. Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert reveals why it is important to change the way we mop: “Cleaning your hard floors properly and regularly is important for maintaining a healthy environment around your home. Without a proper cleaning routine, dirt may unknowingly build up and spread around your home. It is evident from our research that current mopping habits mean British households aren’t cleaning their floors as effectively as they should. “From ignoring problem areas where dust and debris build up, cross contamination with dirty water to not replacing mop heads or inconsistent cleaning, current mopping behaviours may be making floors dirtier as opposed to cleaner. Moving away from traditional methods, wet floor cleaners like the Dyson WashG1 simplify the floor cleaning experience and provide a modern efficient and hygienic solution” To help take the guesswork out of mopping, the brand new WashG1 is Dyson’s first dedicated wet floor cleaner that tackles wet and dry debris in one go. Engineered for hygienic cleaning and maintenance, the WashG1 is revolutionising wet floor cleaning, removing the need for multi-products and multi-steps to achieve a barefoot clean feel around the home. To put the product to the test, Dyson have cleaned one of London’s most iconic landmarks The Victoria and Albert Museum. From cleaning the grand marble floors housing the most prestigious exhibits, to cleaning up leftover food in the Gamble Room Cafe, the WashG1 had a dirt busting tour of the museum leaving it spotless. Images can be found here. The WashG1 introduces Dyson’s engineering expertise to cleaning hard floors. With a 1 litre clean-water tank to cover flooring up to 290m2, the Dyson WashG1 uses a combination of hydration, absorption, and extraction technologies to remove wet and dry spills and stains simultaneously. The Dyson WashG1 is available to purchase now from, retailing at £599.99.