Behind the closed doors of British homes, lies a secret world of indulgence and stealthy snacking. New research from The Delicious Dessert Company has unveiled that over 8 in 10 of us (83%) can’t resist a secret scoff and a further 44% of Brits have no qualms about hiding their sweet treats from others.
Top Drawer Secrets
When it comes to concealing their guilty pleasures, Brits showcase a flair for creative and snack hiding schemes, with popular hiding spots including bedroom wardrobes (17%), kitchen cupboards (32%), and plain sight around the house (32%). Surprisingly, 7% of respondents even confess to stashing snacks in their underwear drawers and particular hot favourite tactic of the of 25-year-olds (10%). Not to be outdone, 6% of respondents reveal their secret stash within gym bags, turning workout gear into a surprising trove of hidden treats.
Men vs. Women: The Great Hide-Off
When it comes to hideaway ideas, there is a notable difference between the sexes. While men were more likely than women to come up with some creative solutions, with top choices including car compartments (14%), office spaces (11%), and even shoeboxes (8%). In contrast, women appear to be erring on the side of caution, opting for easy access and familiar hiding spots such as the kitchen cupboards (42%), bedroom wardrobes (21%), and the top of shelves (21%).
Age-Old Tactics: Young vs. Old:
Age also plays a role in more cunning hiding strategies, with 10% under 25s admitting to stashing treats in their underwear drawers, and 14% of those aged 35-44 resorting to car compartments for their secret snacking. In contrast, older respondents (over 65s) prefer the classic charm of hiding their indulgent treats under the bed (14%).
Claire Smith. Head of Insight at The Delicious Dessert Company commented: “From our latest survey it appears that so many of us live ‘double lives’ when it comes to food – battling between the things people think they should be doing for themselves or maybe to impress others, set against focusing on what makes them happy. In our busy lives there is always room for people to have those special moments of indulgence and reward too – those small, inexpensive things that can lift a day. At The Delicious Dessert Company we have a raft of new products we have just launched and maybe a time when people will think less about what they should be doing – and more about what makes them happy.”
Top 10 places where people hide snacks and sweet treats from people in their household.
In kitchen cupboards/pantry
On the top shelves
In my bedroom wardrobe
At the back of the fridge
Under the bed
In my car
In my underwear draw
Behind the sofa
In my gym bag