Better pay for nhs staff, three day weekends, to see the end of single use plastics and to have a million in the bank, research reveals a list of the biggest changes brits would make, if given the cha

Researchers surveyed 2,000 Brits, asking them what they would change in life, both personally and socially – with having a million in the bank (37 percent), three-day weekends (34 percent), being fitter (31 percent) and being better looking (22 percent) all making the list.
Other personal changes featured in the poll, include having a better-paid job (41 percent) and being the perfect weight (40 percent).
But coming top of the list, was simply for people to be kinder, with almost half (49 percent) of the vote, followed by better pay for NHS nurses and doctors (41 percent).
Brits would also love to have more confidence (23 percent) and a bigger house (23 percent), while 38 percent would like everyone to simply be treated equally, regardless of age, sex and gender, according to the poll by Hello Hydrogen.
More than a third (34 percent) would like people to have better manners, according to the survey.
The environment also featured high on the list of changes Brits would make, with seeing the end of fossil fuels (24 percent) and single-use plastic (37 percent), to having solar panels powering our homes (15 percent) and seeing the end of fast fashion (12 percent) all featuring.
A spokesperson for Hello Hydrogen, which commissioned the study commented, “From the end of single-use plastics and fast fashion, to eradicating fossil fuels, it’s clear to see from the study, that the environment is important to modern Brits. In fact, when asked, 76 percent of those surveyed said addressing the climate crisis is one of the most important changes we can make”
“Change doesn’t have to be negative. Changing the way we heat our homes in the future will help us meet net zero targets and live more sustainably and using hydrogen as an alternative to natural gas in our boilers can play a vital role in this transition.”
The study also found that almost three-quarters (72 percent) felt change was usually for the best.
In fact, as many as 84 percent felt their life would benefit from shaking things up a bit.
When it came to which areas Brits would change, in a wider sense, finances came top of the list (55 percent), followed by social lives (41 percent).
For people to be kinder 49%
Better pay for NHS staff 41%
A better-paid job 41%
To be at my perfect weight 40%
For everyone to be treated equally, regardless of age, sex and gender 38%
The end of single-use plastics 37%
To have a million in the bank 37%
For people to have better manners 34%
Three-day weekends 34%
To be fitter 31%
To see the end of fossil fuels 24%
To have more confidence 23%
To have a bigger house 23%
To be better looking 22%
To eat whatever I want and not gain weight 21%
Have a more exciting job 20%
To eliminate the gender, pay gap 19%
To have solar panels 16%
To have perfect skin 15%
To have a good singing voice 12%
To end fast fashion 12%
To have a dog 11%
To have a second property 11%
To have better friends 10%
To have a six pack 9%