Celebrity astrologer reveals all about which star signs are most likely to win a reality TV show competition

In response to these findings Mecca Bingo has collaborated with expert astrologer, Inbaal Honigman, to explain more about star signs and their specific traits associated with winning a TV show competition. Inbaal explains:
“At the very top of the leaderboard, the star sign who has won the most TV competitions is, unsurprisingly, Capricorn.
Capricorn is a sign synonymous with grit and determination. Those born under the sign of the sea-goat love setting a personal goal, then beating it. Capricorn is an earth sign, which means they are grounded and realistic, and also means that they enjoy working hard. Earth signs don’t expect anything to fall in their laps, and don’t believe in luck, they believe in investing their time and effort and seeing results.
Capricorn is a very business-savvy sign and knows that sometimes you’ve got to take a couple of backwards steps in order to move forward, so they may have entered a TV competition which they’re massively over-qualified for, in order to make connections in their industry or add something interesting to their CV, and aren’t as invested in the competition itself as much as they feel that they need a big TV win in order to secure some good contracts.
When a Capricorn enters a competition, they do so with the intention of winning it. For Capricorns, second place doesn’t exist.”
Inbaal adds:
“The second most likely star sign to win a TV competition is Virgo.
Virgo is a neat and tidy sign that just excels at everything. Those born under the sign of the Virgin love to feel as if they always try their best. Virgo is an earth sign, just like Taurus and Capricorn, so they love the feeling of getting stuck into a project. Earth signs are fearless and will give anything a go. Virgos don’t have a compulsion to win, as long as they’ve done their best, they’re happy.
Finally in respectable third place on the chart of signs most likely to win a TV competition is quirky Aquarius.
Aquarius is a creative and sociable sign, unlike any other. They are fiercely themselves, very independent and individualistic, but they also fit well in any situation, as they are empathic and flexible.
Aquarius is an air sign, and air signs are the ideas people of the Zodiac. Their original thinking sets them apart. Therefore, Aquarius is likely to be the unusual candidate, the one that has an image quite different to the other contestants, and the one who’s got a strategy like no other’s.
Aquarius and their originality aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and a unique set of judges is required, to identify and rewards Aquarius’s genius.”
For more information about the star signs most and least likely to win a reality TV show competition, please visit the Mecca Bingo blog here: Which Star Signs are Most Likely to Win a Reality TV Show Competition? | Mecca Bingo