New Book Reveals the Inside Knowledge on How to be a Successful Escort or Escort Agency.

When his ice-cream business in the West Midlands melted away in the late 90s, Karl Crossfield did something many might imagine was a bit radical. He set up an escort agency. Qualifications? Absolutely none. He just learned the ropes as he went along and boy, did he go into the nitty gritty of running the business. Efforts and detailed advice, as he’s now semi-retired, he shares with the world in his amazingly comprehensive handbook ‘The Poor Man’s Guide To Being An Escort Or Operating Agency’, subtitled ‘Why Set Up An Escort Agency?’
According to Karl, recruiting your first pool of escorts is perhaps one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking aspects of setting up your agency. However, once the ball is rolling, he says, it’s difficult to stop!
Within seven weeks of setting up his agency 14 years ago, he had almost 30 escorts on his books, which was “more than enough to get started.”
In publishing the guide, the main points Karl seeks to get across to would-be agents are:
This is a highly lucrative business as either an escort or agency basis
It can be run from home, low overheads, big profits
More people than ever before are now running their own businesses
This is not a seedy prostitute business but a useful escort/partner service in the true sense of the word
It’s a great business opportunity for men and women of all ages to operate as a business agency
Explains Karl: “As your business grows, recruitment becomes a gradual, ongoing progress which requires less and less direct effort. Enquiries will come directly to your inbox as a result of advertising and word-of-mouth. Happy escorts will often refer their friends to the agency for work, and over time, your pool will quickly grow.
“Importantly, always remember to store information about your escorts in a locked file or password-protected computer. You should also create an online backup using a service like GoogleDrive. I’ll never forget the day an angry ex-girlfriend threw away my folder in a fit of rage! She practically destroyed my agency overnight – something which would’ve never happened had I backed everything up.”
Regardless of your approach, the bottom line is well-established. There are thousands of people who are longing for some quality companionship and are happy to pay for it. There are countless professionals who want an eye-catching date for an event, night out or evening at the casino. All you need to do is give them a chance to hear about your business and let the magic happen.
Says the author: “For all the jobs I have had over the years, nothing comes close to the magic of running my own escort agency. Perhaps the most exciting part of writing this book has been the chance to revisit and relive some of those feelings which I experienced time and time again over the past 20 years. Naturally, you might be asking yourself, Karl, why write a book? Why not just get back in the game!
The truth is that I would get back in the game – following the exact process I laid out in this book – if I was ten years younger! As it happens, this book is more like a retirement gift from the old veteran to you: the escort agency of the future.”
These days, Karl is more than happy operating his family entertainment tractor train in Staffordshire and Cheshire, giving back to the community and seeing the happy faces of parents and children as he rides them around. “In truth, my health isn’t what it used to be either – I am currently awaiting open-heart surgery. I’m not entirely sure if I could take the excitement of operating an escort agency nowadays!”
Writing this book is all about passing on my knowledge. Of course, the hard work is down to you, and I want to stress that none of what I’ve written here is a guarantee of success. What I can promise, however, is that the steps we’ve discussed are a comprehensive foundation upon which you could certainly build a flourishing escort agency. That prospect is, after all, what the entrepreneurial spirit is all about. The thrill and the chase; the risk and reward; and above all else…the buzz!
Synopsis of ‘The Poor Man’s Guide To Being An Escort Or Operating Agency’ by Karl Crossfield:
People often ask me: What was the best thing about running an escort agency? It’s a question that could have a dozen answers, but for me, it is very simple.
The best thing about running an escort agency is the buzz. As the reader of this book, you probably share my entrepreneurial spirit and know exactly what I mean by the buzz. It’s the feeling of speaking to a client over the phone at the end of their appointment and hearing how much they enjoyed their time with one of your escorts. It’s the feeling of seeing your classy advert in the local newspaper or the excitement of counting the money at the end of the week.
My entrepreneurial spirit began as a 10-year-old in the1970s, when I’d collect empty glass soda bottles from the local rugby club and haul them to the grocery shop. In those days, each empty bottle could be returned for a 2p deposit, and all profit went on big bags of brightly coloured sherbet!
On other occasions, whenever the travelling fayre came to town, I’d be ready and waiting for the moment they departed the following Sunday. The spot where each stall, booth or ride had stood was replaced with a dusty pile of recently swept trash, and within each would be several dropped coins just waiting to be found.
Whether dipping my fingers into a hard-earned bag of sherbet or running my hands through fairground litter in the hope of a coin, I felt the buzz. I’ve had many jobs over the years since, from key-cutting and cobbling to carpet-fitting and screen-printing. I’ve been an ice cream man, a park ranger, a land-train driver, and now a writer! Still, nothing comes close to the excitement and success of setting up my own escort agency in 1998.
Before we go any further, there is of course one question that needs to be answered: What is an escort? A common misconception is that an escort is simply a code word for a prostitute, but the two are entirely different. An escort is asocial companion for hire. A prostitute sells sexual services.
This book isn’t about becoming a pimp or running a brothel. Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, such practices are clearly proscribed and could land you with a hefty prison sentence. This is about something legal and ethical, and above all else, deeply meaningful.
The eye-catching companion at a business function, the charming plus-one at a wedding or party or the dinner date who makes time fly by and loneliness fly away: these are the moments a good escort can create, and they are moments worth paying for.
Escorting in the UK is a multi-million-pound industry, and one which I was lucky enough to tap into in 1998. Above all else, it is a business tailored to your expectations. A fledgling agency provides a generous part-time income on the weekends, but anything larger could yield thousands of pounds in revenue every month. At my peak – even as a relatively small, local agency – I had 50 escorts on my books with regular appointments left, right and centre! With the help of this book, you too will be able to do the same. Each chapter features a step-by-step guide for the every man to establish their own escort agency – with or without the aid of the internet. It contains my approach to branding, advertising and recruitment, managing your operation, working within the law and growing your business into a flourishing enterprise.
Compiled over 76 pages, his guide is split into six simple but highly entertaining and informative chapters: Why set up an escort agency, Creating your agency, Recruiting your escorts, Advertising your business, Operating your agency, and a section entitled Final thoughts.
The book is available now on Amazon: