Top 12 sleep hacks trending on social media

To help aid sleepless nights, Dormeo (mattress and sleep experts), have listed the top 12 trending sleep tips on social media. Their research looked at all hashtags related to sleep tips and sleep hacks on Instagram and TikTok to find the top 12 most trending tips on how to get a better night’s sleep. Dormeo’s sleep experts has also given insights to each tip and which they recommend.
Top 12 trending sleep tips on social media
#attachmentparenting (137M)
The method is focused on promoting emotional stability through gentle techniques, touch and understanding. It is based on the idea that babies learn to trust and thrive when their needs are consistently met by a parent or carer.
#weightedblanket (108)
Weighted blankets are created to be heavier than normal blankets which many people find helps to promote calm when they are using it – and are commonly used for people who experience insomnia or anxiety.
#bluelightglasses (66M)
If you’re around screens a lot, glasses to block blue light for sleep improvement may be a worthwhile investment to help with both the quality and quantity of sleep you get.
#beautysleep (46M)
Having an evening bath with salts, oils or soaks can induce that sleepy feeling especially if infused with ingredients such ylang ylang, valerian root and lavender. If you’re more of a shower person, body washes and lotions with these scents work just as well.
#pillowspray (43M)
Research has shown that aromas encourage our bodies to produce that all important sleep hormone, melatonin, with scents such as lavender, vetiver, chamomile and frankincense the most powerful blends for relaxation.
#sleeproutine (43M)
Having a sleep routine enables your body clock to predict when to induce sleep, leaving you feeling more rested and waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed.
#bedtimesnack (33M)
It may sound too good to be true but eating a small bedtime snack can help you catch some zzz’s. Certain foods trigger sleepiness, with some able to assist in a longer and deeper night’s rest. Walnuts enhance sleep cycles as they contain melatonin, so a handful before bed can restore your levels.
#sleepmask (25M)
Wearing a sleep mask helps you to maintain your natural sleep cycle, acting as a shield against intrusive light.
#sleepsound (19M)
Listening to rain sounds for sleeping is one of the most soothing as the quietly rhythmic patter makes for a natural lullaby. Studies have shown that the sound of rain causes the brain to relax unconsciously, nudging it towards a state of sleepiness.
#countingsheep (8M)
Participating in mindless activity such as counting can indeed put you in a sleepy state, however, it’s little to do with the choice of animal.
#sleepmeditation (3M)
Deep sleep meditation is a practice or technique that promotes and produces, if done correctly, a state of deep relaxation while you remain awake and alert. This can help you to wind down, quieting the mind and body, and can help reduce insomnia or sleep troubles.
#sleeptea (1M)
While caffeinated teas can increase stimulation, herbal teas have the opposite effect with chamomile tea widely used to promote relaxation and drowsiness. Other teas such as spearmint and lemon balm, reduce anxiety along with improving sleep quality.