A jumper for life, not just for Christmas – Five reasons to opt for a woolly Christmas jumper this year

The Christmas jumper is a long-standing festive tradition for many. Whether it’s your go to from the 1st December onwards, or you prefer to reserve it for the most festive of occasions, like the office Christmas party – there’s no denying our love of knitwear as a nation.
From simple beginnings, the Christmas jumper has gone from garish gift to a desirable seasonal must have and in previous years, it has been shockingly estimated around 12 million Christmas jumpers were purchased over the Christmas period and likely only worn once!1
Sustainable shopping expert at British Wool, Graham Clark, shares five reasons to purchase a wool jumper this year that will last a lifetime.
Keeping cosy in the cold
Ever opted for a Christmas jumper on a cold December day when the temperature drops but soon felt hot and sweaty on the commute? Synthetic clothes have poor insulation and tend to stick to the body when it is hot and sweaty because they cannot absorb moisture – unlike wool.
Wool has natural insulating and breathable properties that help to keep you warm or cool. It is an incredibly complex fibre, made up of lots of different layers. In the centre of each fibre is a cluster of hollow, spongy cells which create pockets that trap air and help to circulate heat, enhancing insulation and warmth when you need it. But wool clothing can help to keep you cool by absorbing any moisture when you start to get hot, avoiding the sticky and sweaty feeling.
Yes, wool really is that clever, it is constantly adjusting to external conditions, which helps to regulate temperature and always ensure comfort.
Stylish yet sustainable
Long gone are the days that wool meant stuffy or old-fashioned. The number of brands and designers opting to use wool as a material for jumpers means the options are endless.
From bright to beige and everything in between, there’s a wool option to be found. In fact, 2022 is the first year that a 100% British wool Christmas jumper collection has been available to buy.
Wool vs the world
The diverse wool types on offer in the UK mean that British wool is a truly sustainable solution. It is 100% natural and renewable as sheep in the UK grow between 1 and 3 kgs of raw wool annually that must be sheared for the health of the animal.
It even takes 18% less energy and 70% less water than cotton and polyester to produce 100 wool jumpers2. And if that wasn’t reason enough, it is also 100% biodegradable, and therefore does not contribute to micro-pollution in the ocean, or on land.
Finally, caring about the planet and feeling festive can come hand-in-hand.
Saving solutions
By wearing wool you’re not just saving the planet but you’re saving your pennies too. Wool requires less washing than synthetic garments, so by merely hanging a wool garment up after you wear it, you’re allowing the moisture to evaporate and take the odour with it – no need to put the washing machine on, or your heating to dry it out.
In fact, you should only wash your woolly jumper once a season, hang it up and have it ready for the next year – future you will be thankful.
Wool for winters to come
Wool is an incredibly complex natural fibre, providing many attributes that plastic fibres just can’t match. Its natural crimp and elasticity endures constant wear and compression. And resists crushing and matting, helping it withstand continuous wear.
What this means for you? By buying better, you’ll ultimately buy less. Your wool purchase will become a trusty wardrobe staple every single winter, meaning there’s no need to head out in hunt for a Christmas outfit for years to come. If it means avoiding the shops at the busiest time of the year – what’s not to love?
Mars Knitwear Christmas jumpers are available to buy in simple yet festive designs in a range of colours that you will never tire of, and promise to keep you festive and warm, year after year -https://marsknitwear.com/collections/christmas