Healthcare content worth following: 6 UK nurses going viral on TikTok

While the healthcare industry can all-too-often be deemed as overly clinical, in recent years the phenomenal growth in popularity of TikTok has given those working in the sector an outlet to become fully-fledged content creators.
Whether sharing lighthearted experiences about their time spent working on hospital wards, or generously sharing their advice and medical information to those in training or members of the public, #NursesofTikTok are increasingly using the global platform to engage and entertain followers around the world. In fact, the hashtag has a phenomenal 10.8 billion views and counting!
In order to showcase some of the very best examples of UK nurses going above and beyond for the wellbeing of others, the patient safety and compliance experts at Radar Healthcare have researched some of the most informative, entertaining and accurate UK TikTok accounts those intrigued by the realities of working in the healthcare sector should be giving a follow:
TikTok Nurse UK (@tiktoknurseuk)
The creator of ‘TikTok Nurse UK’ – an emergency nurse practitioner affectionately known to her fans as ‘Nurse A’ – has freely discussed on her outlet how she always knew she was destined for a career in the field.
On her website she discusses how she watched her Mother leave for work wearing her crisp navy uniform, and would spend hours each evening watching old repeats of Holby City and Casualty.
Boasting more than 70k followers and 1.1million likes, Nurse A creates a mixture of comedic and educational content for her audience, including this recent scenario focused video which lists the symptoms and observations a patient is displaying, and asks viewers to diagnose his illness.
Nurse Nzi (@nursenzi)
Through her TikTok content, Nurse and career strategist Nurse Nzi aims to help her 30.6k followers find their perfect job within the healthcare industry, top tips for preparing for a nursing interview, and even insight into some of the highest paying UK nursing jobs currently being recruited for.
Her YouTube channel features such popular and useful videos for nurses with varying levels of experience, such as ‘How to apply for a band 5 nurse job’, ‘How to write a personal statement as a nurse’, and ‘Common interview mistakes you should avoid making as a nurse’.
Myeself (@myeself)
As a Filipino nurse working in the UK, @myeself often focuses her comedic and musical content on what it’s like being bilingual and working for the NHS, with a lot of references to her own culture and the differences of working in the UK versus her home nation.
She also uses her platform to shine a light on the topic of NHS and healthcare worker salaries, as seen in this video that highlights the fact that teachers, police officers and government officials were all given pay rises earlier this year, yet NHS workers weren’t.
Amy Darkins (@amydarkins6)
As a working Mum of one, practice nurse Amy uses her TikTok profile to showcase the highs and lows of working the often long shifts and unsociable shift patterns of a nurse alongside finding a balance with family life.
Through her often in-depth content, Amy discusses such topics like how she got into practice nursing and how it differs from her previous nursing roles, as well as a day in the life of a practice nurse to give those thinking of making a move into her field a good idea of what the role entails.
Jahine Nicole (@jahinenicole)
With an even balance of comedic content mixed with some honest posts focused on her own mental health and previous experiences of trauma, Jahine Nicole uses TikTok to offer her followers an honest insight into the day-to-day experiences of being an NHS nurse in a post-covid climate.
This ‘expectations vs reality’ video showcases the areas of her particular workplace that nurses are expected to eat in during their lunch breaks, while this TikTok emphasises all too well the huge amount of strain being a healthcare worker can put on ones mental health.
Student Nurse Debby (@studentnurse_debby)
As her TikTok username suggests, Debby uses her TikTok account to chronicle her journey as a student nurse, and the journey towards passing her exams and qualifications.
Debby often films content aimed at answering the questions of her almost 10k followers, as highlighted in this video and is also not afraid to call out some of the negative experiences she’s been challenged with during her time as a student nurse thrown in at the deep end of the NHS.