Half of 18-24 year olds believe alcohol keeps them warm

With the nights drawing in and the temperatures getting colder, this winter we’re all looking for the best ways to stay warm. But do we actually know how to keep our body temperatures up or do we believe somethings we were once told as kids?
According to a survey of 1,000 Brits from outdoors brand TOG24, in the UK we’re not all that well informed.
In fact, as many as 70% of people still believe the old wives’ tale that most of the human body’s heat escapes through the head. Alongside this, eight out of ten people also mistakenly believe that having a hot shower warms you up and seven out of 10 are wrong in their assumption that drinking a hot drink will increase your body temperature.
Thankfully, 55% of people do know that you won’t feel the benefit of your big coat if you wear it inside before going outdoors.
But with more and more people looking at ways to stay warm this winter amidst the cost of living crisis, it’s never been more important to know the little tips and tricks that can help keep you warm at home.
When it comes to what we should wear to keep our bodies as warm as possible in the winter months, it’s all about layering. So, what do Brits really know about layering?
Thankfully, 63% are aware that it’s better to wear three thin layers to keep warm than one big coat. Which suggests that it’s definitely time to layer up inside and outside this winter. But not necessarily when it comes to your feet. The truth of the matter is that wearing two pairs of socks won’t keep your feet any warmer than one pair – but tell that to the 70% of Brits that mistakenly believe it’s all about two pairs.
Clothing aside, what else can we do to keep warm at home and on the go in winter this year?
Whilst many people will suggest a little tipple or a wee dram to warm up, this doesn’t actually work. Thankfully, 45% of Brits are aware of this fact, but not necessarily amongst the younger age groups.
Specifically, of those aged between 18 and 24, one in two (51%) people mistakenly believe that alcohol will warm their cockles this winter, compared to just 27% of people aged 55 to 64.
And the older age group also has more experience when it comes to going out with wet hair. Just 15% of the over 65s mistakenly think this causes you to catch a cold, compared to 50% of 18-24s.
But your Nan will still tell you to wear a hat to not lose all your body’s heat through your head – as many as 80% of over 55s believe this to be the case. Youngsters have the measure on this one however, with just one in two 18-34 year olds believing it to be true.
Mark Ward, TOG24’s Managing Director said “We’ve all seen the headlines about the cost of living crisis this winter and the rise in energy bills. It’s only natural that people want to know what else they can do to stay warm at home. But it’s so important that they have honest and reliable information on what they should or shouldn’t do. If they don’t, it could end up being more costly.
“For example people may decide to have a hot shower or boil the kettle for a hot drink to try and stay warm, when it actual fact this doesn’t really work. They should look to layer appropriately inside and outside of the house and also wear a warm coat when out of the house – but not necessarily indoors, as we all know they won’t get the benefit then.
“One warm pair of socks is best and a hat shouldn’t be your only solution – as your head is only 10% of the surface area of your body you don’t lose the majority of your body heat through your head.
“At TOG24, our team is packed with outdoor experts that have been surviving in cold temperatures in the UK and across the world for decades. We feel it’s our duty to dispel some of the myths and give people a helping hand this winter.”
The research also found that Brits are well versed in knowing that colder temperatures in the bedroom will help you sleep better – as many as 71% of people knew this was the case. Although only 13% knew that the armpit was the coldest part of the body – sounds like it’s time to keep those armpits warm with some proper layering!