Transforming Medical Practice with the Acer SpatialLabs View Pro

Transforming Medical Practice with the Acer SpatialLabs View Pro

Excitement has built across the creative and gaming communities following Acer’s introduction of two additions to its SpatialLabs suite. Designed for PC connection, both the Acer SpatialLabs View and Acer SpatialLabs View Pro have been integrated with glasses-free stereoscopic 3D technology for immersive and engaging visual experiences. This technology has also provided an opportunity for those in the clinical field of ophthalmology, as we’ll explore here.

Realising The Potential of 3D Technology

Specialising in the care and treatment of patients with eye diseases, ophthalmologists, such as those practising at the NHS Bristol Eye Hospital, have been aware of the potential benefits of 3D technology for some time. Slit-lamp camera systems used during standard consultations could be integrated with 3D for an enhanced view of the depth and location of structures within the eye.

Such 3D technology could have a beneficial impact on the delivery of remote consultations, with 3D records taken for future reference and opportunities for more engaging and realistic teaching. However, issues in terms of size, portability, and cost meant that the only option seemed the continued use of conventional surgical binocular microscopes. This was until the introduction of the relatively affordable Acer SpatialLabs View Pro.

Discussing the benefits of 3D technology, Bristol Eye Hospital’s Sunil Mamtora FRCOphth, said “Ideally, we’d have a solution whereby every slit lamp would have a camera system attached to it. We could [then] record the consultation for every single patient and replay those consultations in high resolution and 3D at subsequent visits.

We can use digital technology to have a real view of what was seen by the person who was referring the patient. [This will allow us to] more accurately and appropriately triage those patients to make sure that those patients are seen in the most appropriate place and timescale.”

Game-changing Immersion

Promising to redefine the impact of 3D, Acer’s SpatialLabs View Pro provides sharper insights and more power for immersive connection with digital audiences. The screen displays images in stunning detail, with 100% Adobe RGB colour gamut, up to 4K resolution in 2D, and Delta E<2* superior colour accuracy. Connected with the slit lamp, such detailed presentation aids clinical understanding of the ways that conditions and diseases have either progressed or been successfully treated. This also makes for greater decision-making confidence, with patients being listed for surgery or discharged for the freeing up of appointment slots. Compatible with desktop and laptop computers, the Acer SpatialLabs View Pro features: • Hand gesture interaction and Ultraleap support for enhanced 3D object views • Model Viewer and Datasmith integration for the conversion of complex assets into Stereo 3D • Sketchfab integration for access to an endless catalogue of 3D models • Proprietary AI technology, making it possible to generate stereoscopic 3D content from almost anything that can be displayed in full screen at a click. The benefits recognised by professional ophthalmologists also apply to other medical fields, with 3D presentation offering better potential for identifying, diagnosing and treating various conditions. Able to view organs, bones and tissues in full 3D detail, medical practitioners will stand a better chance of pinpointing abnormal growths and lesions. Mistakes associated with the review of insufficiently detailed X-rays and CT scans can be avoided. Healthcare costs may also be minimised, given the reduced need for additional scans and tests. Plus, the sharing of high-fidelity 3D images will give patients a better understanding of conditions and diagnoses. Other 3D technology applications may include: • Delivery of immersive and engaging clinical training • Presentation of 3D imaging during in-person and remote consultations • Simulation of procedures and practices before actual patient operations • Creation of better-informed treatment plans. Focusing on his ophthalmological experience, Sunil Mamtora said, “I’ve found that being able to show patients what their eye condition is and how it affects them in 3D and in such an immersive way helps to achieve better compliance and also patient satisfaction.” The Ophthalmological Case In Point Keen to realise the full range of benefits, the Royal College of Ophthalmology has invested and introduced the Acer SpatialLabs View Pro screens for routine practice. The 3D technology is now being used in the training of ophthalmology students, with simulated ocular surgery being carried out using stereo-camera-equipped microscopes. This has made for much-improved confidence in the realisation of better patient outcomes. There has also been a successful proof of concept, highlighting the potential to conduct live ophthalmic clinical examinations using the slit-lamp in 3D using video conferencing software. Mr Mamtora said, “I’m really excited to see what the Acer SpatialLabs screens can help us within ophthalmology. When patients understand their condition better and when they’re more engaged with their healthcare they have better outcomes.” Captivating Possibilities Beyond the clinical environment, Acer SpatialLabs View Pro offers immensely exciting opportunities for gamers, creators, developers, marketers and educators. Integrated into kiosks, POS displays or showrooms, the screens could present interactive product demonstrations for greater customer engagement. Impactful boardroom and showroom presentations can also be made, with Unreal Engine projects directly into stereo 3D. There’s even the potential to transform everyday experiences such as photo views and video calls with all new levels of immersion. Learn more about the transformational impacts of Acer SpatialLabs technology by reading our case study focusing on the Royal College of Ophthalmology. Then discover the full range of game-changing features on the Acer SpatialLabs View Pro page. Watch the full case study here –

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