Experts reveal the three foods that will help you get better sleep in 2023

Experts reveal the three foods that will help you get better sleep in 2023

Sleep experts at Bestmattress-brand analysed multiple scientific studies that have been medically reviewed and found three fruits that aren’t just good for improving your health but also improving your quality of sleep.

With 40% of the UK and 35% of America suffering with symptoms of insomnia there are growing nationwide health concerns. This is due to the range of mental and physical issues that can arise from a lack of sleep.

Diet and sleep are both complex, and every individual responds differently to foods and other remedies that are supposedly good for sleep. However, through meticulous testing these foods have been proven to help give people a great night’s sleep.

Tart Cherries

Tart cherries (Montmorency cherries) or tart cherry juice have been found in studies to have great sleep benefits. In one study It was discovered that consuming two one-cup portions of tart cherry juice daily resulted in the ability to fall asleep faster, more overall sleep time and significantly less awakenings. Thus, the outcome is overall increased sleep efficiency. The same effects have been reported in other tests as well.

The benefits mentioned in these studies may come from the fact that tart cherries have higher concentrations of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates circadian rhythm (the natural, internal process that regulates the sleep–wake cycle) and promotes healthy sleep. Tart cherry juice also increases the bioavailability of tryptophan which has been found to decrease the time taken to fall asleep. The enzymes within the cherries keep the tryptophan in the body longer so not only do you fall asleep quicker but stay asleep longer.

It’s important to note that tart cherry juice can contain added sugar, when too much sugar is incorporated into a diet can be harmful, so it’s recommended to choose no added sugar options if available. However, the pure fruit is full of antioxidants, vitamins and fibre so can offer many other health benefits such as

Reduces muscle soreness

Reduces inflammation

Improves brain function

Strengthens immune system

When adding the fruit or the juice into your bedtime routine it’s advised to consume daily in the morning and 1-2 hours before bedtime for optimal effect.


Kiwifruit are well known for their significant number of nutrients and antioxidants as well as high levels of fibre, folate and potassium. However beyond just their health values, kiwis have been said to have sleep inducing qualities, allowing those who eat it before bed to fall asleep faster and for longer. It’s been hypothesized that the high antioxidant capacity, serotonin and folate content of kiwifruit may contribute to the observed sleep benefits of kiwifruit consumption. 

Serotonin is one of the key chemicals that is found in high doses in kiwis. It is an end product of L-tryptophan metabolism, which is related to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and low levels may cause insomnia. Folate deficiencies can also lead to symptoms of insomnia and fatigue, thus the levels of folate in kiwis could improve sleep quality for those who suffer with sleep conditions. It’s also been suggested that the anti-inflammatory antioxidants in kiwis, such as vitamin C and carotenoids, may be partly responsible for their sleep-promoting effects as well.

The research shows in this study that when kiwi was consumed over a period of 4 weeks it was found to improve sleep onset, duration and efficiency. Although it’s been noted more research is currently required into kiwis, the current studies suggest that eating 1-2 kiwis an hour before bed may help people to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


Along with being a good source of magnesium, vitamin B6, and protein, Bananas are widely known for having a lot of potassium. The hormones serotonin and melatonin that are produced as a result of these nutrients are key to falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer.

Tryptophan, an important amino acid that can be found in bananas, has been shown to enhance the quality of sleep. Since tryptophan cannot be produced by the body, eating a banana helps to increase levels of the amino acid. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation by slowing down signals to nerve cells, and tryptophan aids in the production of serotonin. Melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep and regulates our circadian rhythm, often known as the sleep-wake cycle, is regulated by serotonin.

Bananas are also a good source of magnesium, which supports a healthy circadian cycle, the body’s internal clock. Magnesium also impacts the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that regulates the pituitary and adrenal glands. These glands enhance the stress hormones when magnesium levels are low. A banana can be the ideal food to help you relax before bed because stress and worry are frequently linked to sleep issues including insomnia.

Given that bananas are among the top sources of potassium, it is important to note the health advantages of potassium. Low potassium levels make your muscles rigid, which leads to cramps and spasms, making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. A banana’s additional potassium aids in successfully stopping and starting muscle contractions, reducing the likelihood that cramps and spasms may keep you awake.

The combined nutrients and chemicals, and impacts these have on the body, make bananas a great bedtime snack to help those who struggle to sleep.

A spokesperson from Bestmattress-brand commented: “With a growing number of people suffering from sleep related medical issues it’s important that people are aware of small lifestyle and diet changes that could potentially help them get the sleep that they need.

These foods are not only delicious but can be incorporated easily into any diet for kids and adults, with studies and research proving that it’s not just quality of sleep that is enhanced but overall health as well.

Diet can be an excellent tool in managing mental and physical health issues and it has been extensively documented by researchers and medical professionals, in many cases diet being proven to offer great natural remedies to health issues including sleep. Although it’s worth consulting your GP before making any drastic changes to your diet.”

Leicester TV

Typically thought of as being an easy to clean area of the home, hard floors have risen in popularity in recent decades. Globally, hard floors are the most common floor type,2 and research released today by Dyson has uncovered poor cleaning habits that mean hard floors are likely to be harbouring an array of hidden nasties.     This comes as 32% of Brits – equating to 21.6 million people in the UK – will use the same dirty mop head for six months or more before replacing it. What’s more, one in 20 also admit to keeping the same mop for a year or longer, and one in 10 think it is acceptable to use the same mop 100 times, spreading dirt around their floors every time they use it.   Cross contamination is a primary issue for most common and traditional mopping methods with germs and bacteria further being unknowingly spread around homes as Brits use dirty water to clean floors.3 45% only change the water to new water between rooms, whereas 41% wait even longer until it looks dirty. This could mean that floors are being washed with dirty water, adding more dirt rather than taking it away. Surprisingly, almost one in 10 (9%) even admit to not changing the dirty water at all when mopping.   Over a quarter (28%) admit to mopping their floors once a fortnight or less while over half (53%) admit they don’t regularly clean behind appliances and leave dirt to build up for as long as six months at a time.   image002.jpg   On how to achieve a perfect barefoot clean feel after mopping, Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert offers their top tips for eliminating dirt around the home:   1.     Create a cleaning schedule to stay on top of dirt build-up. In the last year, there has been a 15% global reduction in the number of people who maintain regular cleaning schedules. 47% of the British public admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust.4 Regular floor cleaning with a wet hard floor cleaner like the Dyson WashG1™ removes more stubborn dirt than vacuuming alone.    It is important to have a debris free surface, clear any clutter from the floor or other surfaces.      Choose the right machine: Different vacuums are designed for different floor types and home sizes. Some machines will be engineered with hard floors in mind and will struggle on thick pile carpets, for example. Choosing the right machine for your home will make a big difference to the ease and speed with which you’re able to clean your home.      Clean your floors ‘little and often’. Washing your floors frequently in areas that receive more foot fall will help to stop dirt building up and getting trodden into your floor. Using a dedicated wet floor cleaner on hard flooring such as the Dyson WashG1 is helpful for this, as the versatile format means it vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously.   Cleaning schedules have also become less regimented. In recent years only 41% of people claim to have a regular cleaning schedule, and 60% admit to cleaning reactively; being motivated to clean only when there is visible dirt or dust5. It’s perhaps not surprising, that a fifth of people are still concerned their floors are dirty after they’ve mopped them (22%) and one in four6 feel extremely worried about indoor dust at home.  Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert reveals why it is important to change the way we mop: “Cleaning your hard floors properly and regularly is important for maintaining a healthy environment around your home. Without a proper cleaning routine, dirt may unknowingly build up and spread around your home. It is evident from our research that current mopping habits mean British households aren’t cleaning their floors as effectively as they should.   “From ignoring problem areas where dust and debris build up, cross contamination with dirty water to not replacing mop heads or inconsistent cleaning, current mopping behaviours may be making floors dirtier as opposed to cleaner. Moving away from traditional methods, wet floor cleaners like the Dyson WashG1 simplify the floor cleaning experience and provide a modern efficient and hygienic solution”  To help take the guesswork out of mopping, the brand new WashG1 is Dyson’s first dedicated wet floor cleaner that tackles wet and dry debris in one go. Engineered for hygienic cleaning and maintenance, the WashG1 is revolutionising wet floor cleaning, removing the need for multi-products and multi-steps to achieve a barefoot clean feel around the home.   To put the product to the test, Dyson have cleaned one of London’s most iconic landmarks The Victoria and Albert Museum. From cleaning the grand marble floors housing the most prestigious exhibits, to cleaning up leftover food in the Gamble Room Cafe, the WashG1 had a dirt busting tour of the museum leaving it spotless. Images can be found here.    The WashG1 introduces Dyson’s engineering expertise to cleaning hard floors. With a 1 litre clean-water tank to cover flooring up to 290m2, the Dyson WashG1 uses a combination of hydration, absorption, and extraction technologies to remove wet and dry spills and stains simultaneously.   The Dyson WashG1 is available to purchase now from, retailing at £599.99.

Typically thought of as being an easy to clean area of the home, hard floors have risen in popularity in recent decades. Globally, hard floors are the most common floor type,2 and research released today by Dyson has uncovered poor cleaning habits that mean hard floors are likely to be harbouring an array of hidden nasties. This comes as 32% of Brits – equating to 21.6 million people in the UK – will use the same dirty mop head for six months or more before replacing it. What’s more, one in 20 also admit to keeping the same mop for a year or longer, and one in 10 think it is acceptable to use the same mop 100 times, spreading dirt around their floors every time they use it. Cross contamination is a primary issue for most common and traditional mopping methods with germs and bacteria further being unknowingly spread around homes as Brits use dirty water to clean floors.3 45% only change the water to new water between rooms, whereas 41% wait even longer until it looks dirty. This could mean that floors are being washed with dirty water, adding more dirt rather than taking it away. Surprisingly, almost one in 10 (9%) even admit to not changing the dirty water at all when mopping. Over a quarter (28%) admit to mopping their floors once a fortnight or less while over half (53%) admit they don’t regularly clean behind appliances and leave dirt to build up for as long as six months at a time. image002.jpg On how to achieve a perfect barefoot clean feel after mopping, Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert offers their top tips for eliminating dirt around the home: 1. Create a cleaning schedule to stay on top of dirt build-up. In the last year, there has been a 15% global reduction in the number of people who maintain regular cleaning schedules. 47% of the British public admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust.4 Regular floor cleaning with a wet hard floor cleaner like the Dyson WashG1™ removes more stubborn dirt than vacuuming alone. It is important to have a debris free surface, clear any clutter from the floor or other surfaces. Choose the right machine: Different vacuums are designed for different floor types and home sizes. Some machines will be engineered with hard floors in mind and will struggle on thick pile carpets, for example. Choosing the right machine for your home will make a big difference to the ease and speed with which you’re able to clean your home. Clean your floors ‘little and often’. Washing your floors frequently in areas that receive more foot fall will help to stop dirt building up and getting trodden into your floor. Using a dedicated wet floor cleaner on hard flooring such as the Dyson WashG1 is helpful for this, as the versatile format means it vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously. Cleaning schedules have also become less regimented. In recent years only 41% of people claim to have a regular cleaning schedule, and 60% admit to cleaning reactively; being motivated to clean only when there is visible dirt or dust5. It’s perhaps not surprising, that a fifth of people are still concerned their floors are dirty after they’ve mopped them (22%) and one in four6 feel extremely worried about indoor dust at home. Geli Lee, Dyson Engineer and Home Cleaning Expert reveals why it is important to change the way we mop: “Cleaning your hard floors properly and regularly is important for maintaining a healthy environment around your home. Without a proper cleaning routine, dirt may unknowingly build up and spread around your home. It is evident from our research that current mopping habits mean British households aren’t cleaning their floors as effectively as they should. “From ignoring problem areas where dust and debris build up, cross contamination with dirty water to not replacing mop heads or inconsistent cleaning, current mopping behaviours may be making floors dirtier as opposed to cleaner. Moving away from traditional methods, wet floor cleaners like the Dyson WashG1 simplify the floor cleaning experience and provide a modern efficient and hygienic solution” To help take the guesswork out of mopping, the brand new WashG1 is Dyson’s first dedicated wet floor cleaner that tackles wet and dry debris in one go. Engineered for hygienic cleaning and maintenance, the WashG1 is revolutionising wet floor cleaning, removing the need for multi-products and multi-steps to achieve a barefoot clean feel around the home. To put the product to the test, Dyson have cleaned one of London’s most iconic landmarks The Victoria and Albert Museum. From cleaning the grand marble floors housing the most prestigious exhibits, to cleaning up leftover food in the Gamble Room Cafe, the WashG1 had a dirt busting tour of the museum leaving it spotless. Images can be found here. The WashG1 introduces Dyson’s engineering expertise to cleaning hard floors. With a 1 litre clean-water tank to cover flooring up to 290m2, the Dyson WashG1 uses a combination of hydration, absorption, and extraction technologies to remove wet and dry spills and stains simultaneously. The Dyson WashG1 is available to purchase now from, retailing at £599.99.